Attentive Art offers the following coaching and therapy options:

Attentive Art Coaching


A mixture of creative visualisation and solution focused therapy using art and writing exercises coupled with the imagination.

Some clients call it creative manifestation and have had great results.

It involves creative exercises to engage the senses in the imaginary state of that which you desire.

We set the scene then reinforce it on repeat.

That in itself just feels so good!


Solution Focused Brief Therapy


Sophie Walker has a certificate in Solution Focused Brief Therapy which she studied alongside her qualification as a Creative Mindfulness Practitioner.

This is ongoing support to improve or change a life situation by focusing on the positive and desired outcome and working towards it.

This is a different approach that doesn’t require dwelling on past or negative circumstances ands can have surprisingly fast results.


Mindfulness Coaching


These sessions teach you how to incorporate mindfulness into your daily life and implement tips to manage certain situations.

Learn how to let go of what is beyond your control. It promotes calm and clarity and helps make day to day life easier.

It is useful for the symptoms of ADHD and can be accessed via Access to Work in the UK.