What is Solution Focused Brief Therapy?

Solution Focused Therapy, unlike other therapies, doesn't require delving into the realms of discomfort. Instead we focus on the resources you already have, which in some cases you may not even be aware of, and how you can best use them for change.

SFBT begins with the very important starting place of hope. Once there is hope there is possibility. Once there is possibility there is an awareness of the potential of positive outcomes. It engages the imagination and anchors it to the present. With repetition it solidifies and once solid, it can become real.

The imagination is a brilliant tool for showing us what is available. There is often a point when I work with a client where it is as though a light has switched on and the realisation that what they are imagining is actually possible has occurred. It is a wonderful moment because from then we can work towards making the small alterations which, over time, will bring about the change you desire.

Where does SFBT come from?

In the 1980s, husband and wife Steve de Shazer and Insoo Kim Berg developed Solution Focused Brief Therapy.
There are seven elements to their approach:

  • Change is both constant and certain.

  • Clients must want to change.

  • Clients are the experts and outline their own goals.

  • Clients have resources and use their own strengths to solve and overcome their problems.

  • Therapy is short-term (hence ‘brief’).

  • Emphasis is on what is changeable and possible.

  • Focus on the future - history is not essential.

Solution Focused Brief Therapy focuses on taking responsibility for your own self development and growth, which is both empowering and enlightening. It is about creating solutions, instead of solving the problems that caused you to seek therapy. It is called brief therapy because it can have positive effects in a relatively short time frame as opposed to the many months or years other forms of therapy can last for.

If you would like to book SFBT sessions please click the block you want, once payment is received you will be able to arrange the time and date. Thank you.

If you are considering Solution Focused Therapy and would like to know more, please fill out this short form and I will arrange a time to have a quick chat over the phone or zoom. From there you can decide whether to go ahead and if so we can get you booked in.

Sophie is absolutely wonderful to work with, her energy is contagious and warm and receptive...I look forward to continuing to work with her to help me get the life I desire.
— S. London