Who Am I?

I’m Sophie Hannah Walker. A multi creative rebelling against the idea of having to do ‘one thing’. I embrace all my creative outlets: art, writing, photography, textiles and interiors.

I use these modalities in my signature Attentive Art coaching, which uses a blend of Solution Focused Therapy and Creative Visualisation alongside creative exercises and mindfulness practices to design and bring to reality the life you WANT to live.

As a certified Creative Mindfulness Coach with a Diploma of Modern Psychology, Have a look HERE at how I can help and get in touch if you want to chat. 

If you woke up tomorrow morning and everything in your life was exactly as you want it to be, what would be the first thing you would notice?

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What do I do?

I am an artist, writer, photographer, designer/maker who loves working on her home to make it as lovely an environment as possible because what we surround ourselves with is extremely important and often overlooked. I ditched the idea that I have to specialise and now embrace all my creative outlets to live a life that uplifts and fulfils me every single day. I teach and demonstrate how you can bring more creativity into your life while learning about who you really are and discovering your true passions and purpose. I offer Creativity Coaching for both life and business as well as providing self study courses, workshops and art kits for you to explore in your own time.

Why Do I Do What I Do?

I lived with mental health issues for most of my life from a very early age. Much of this wasn’t recognised so I believed there was something wrong with me and that it was my fault. I had no idea how to function like most people seemed to - it turned out I have ADHD and it was left untreated.

When my youngest child was a year old and I still had PND I decided to investigate. Several years, certificates and a diploma later, I’m now a qualified Creative Mindfulness Practitioner and an expert on creative psychology. When I look back, I was always using art to manage and survive; now I use it to heal and thrive.

I can help you to heal and thrive through art too.


I paint from expression most of the time. Sometimes I envisage what I want to create first, other times I am curious to see what comes out on the canvas, it is interesting to see what my emotional landscape looks like.

I use photographic transfer, collage or stitch. Recycled canvases and unusual materials. Often there is a sparkly, reflective or iridescent element. It will catch your attention in different ways according to position and the light.

I have a range of custom positivity paintings available to buy and to order.

My first exhibition was in 2000 in the old Aldwych Tube Station in London. In 2019 I was shortlisted for the Royal Academy Summer Exhibition. I am currently a resident artist at Bridlington Old Town Gallery, East Yorkshire.



I love the creative space writing affords me, I often freewrite as part of the creative visualisation process and I use these techniques in my coaching practice. Freewriting is like a direct route into the subconscious mind where many secrets can hide!

Disappearing into another world, whether it is a novel, short story, poem or flash fiction is extremely therapeutic as well as insightful. It is incredible what we learn about ourselves when we provide the space to listen. Much of my fiction writing seems to teach me a great deal when I read it back.

In 2021 I reached the top 10% of entries in three categories n the Bridport Prize, During 2020/21 I wrote a blog with Psychologies magazine which I’ve turned into an ebook.

I also write a newsletter at attentiveart.substack.com



Photography is another creative element which I believe to be important for wellbeing. Heading out with my camera is such a relaxing and inspiring activity. Mindful photography features in several of my courses and coaching methods.

Whether it is being in nature or in a different city, it allows you to see things literally through a different lens. When I am in London with my family and friends I love to capture the urban landscape. At the same time, when I am at home, I am lucky enough to live close to a very beautiful beach. During the pandemic when I was writing a blog for Psychologies magazine I began to include a beach photo. This still features in my Substack blog which you can subscribe to at attentiveart.substack.com.

Prints and products are available from my photography website sophiehannahphotos.mypixieset.com


If any of this has inspired you to go on a journey into your own creativity and self discovery, then get in touch to talk about coaching. If you don’t feel ready for that but want to dip your toes in, then try a workshop or an art kit to test the water. If you want to know what I get up to from one week to the next in and out of my studio, then sign up to my newsletter for all the inside knowledge plus the odd freebie, discounts and exercises you can try.

"Thank you, Sophie for reminding me about this beautiful process and for a constant inspiration . I forgot about everything, time was just flowing. The simple act of moving the paint brush made me feel relaxed ." - Karolina , Ireland