The Creative Mood Tracker is an eighteen page document filled with daily mini versions of you. Write in the date, choose the colours (pens, pencils, paint, patterns) that suit how you feel and colour in the outline of your ‘self’. Write a word to describe how you feel, what you are and what you can do. There is a space to make notes and a helpful affirmation for the day. It can take you just a few minutes a day and at the end of the month you have a map of how you have felt for the month. Each day has a helpful inspirational quote to keep you feeling awesome.
Doing this daily allows you to spot any patterns that come up, identify any situations that cause you to feel less than fabulous and notice if any negativity is creeping unnoticed into your life before it can take hold and derail your plans.
Mindfulness and creativity are great ways to boost your wellbeing and keep your feelings in check. If you apply creative mindfulness in the first place, then noticing if things get a bit ‘off’ is the first point at which you can do something about it. Make a small lifestyle change, seek support or just decide that it is okay to put yourself first and give yourself a break now and then. Once you have your Creative Mood Tracker it is yours to use as often as you like.