Attentive Art Coaching Taster Session


A 90 minute session to try a sample of what is included in the full Attentive Art Coaching Program. Once you buy I will be in touch to arrange a time and date.

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A 90 minute session to try a sample of what is included in the full Attentive Art Coaching Program. Once you buy I will be in touch to arrange a time and date.

A 90 minute session to try a sample of what is included in the full Attentive Art Coaching Program. Once you buy I will be in touch to arrange a time and date.

What are the parts of your life, and therefore your ‘self’ that you are turning away from?

Are you even aware that you do that? (Don’t worry, everyone does it.)

You are a totally unique person, but I bet you look at other people, whether you know them or not, and expect yourself to be ‘more like them’ whether that is in terms of physical appearance, perceived lifestyle or measure of success. By expecting yourself to be ‘more like them’ you are expecting yourself to be ‘less like you’ and so are missing out on all the wonderful goodness that is available to you. It is there, you are just not looking in the right place.

Let me ask you another question:

What are the parts of your life, and therefore your ‘self’ that you are turning towards?

Do you even do that? (Don’t worry, you do, but you might be turning towards old, familiar things that you don’t like any more.)

You are a totally unique person, so it stands to reason that the things you want to turn towards aren’t the same as the things other people turn towards. But we are told what we want all the time by society and the media so we turn towards what we are told we are supposed to like, which is making us feel bad for having or wanting things because we don’t think we deserve them or can have them. What if those feelings are really the fact that those things aren’t actually right for us?

By turning towards something it means we are showing up for it, we make ourselves available for it. We do the things we need to do to make that part of our life function as optimally as possible. So, what are you showing up for?

Let’s look at the area of relationships. How well on a scale of 1-10 do you show up for optimal relationship bliss in your life? Write it down.

Now let’s look at money. How, on the 1-10 scale do you show up around your money? Do you check it and track it? Make a note.

What about your health? How do you look after your health on the 1-10 scale? Are there any patterns forming?

When you stop and look at it, the way you turn towards and show up for one area of your life is probably similar to all areas of your life. We just get stuck in patterns we are used to because someone once told us that was what we should do and we accept it as our reality.

What if it could be different?

When you wake up tomorrow and your life is exactly as you want it, in which ways does it feel different to now?